Exploring Wellness in Africa
A healing continent
When you visit Africa, you recognise something very familiar. It might be the fact that this is the place of all our origins. Modern mankind came from here and over time moved to every corner of the earth. You might sense this feeling as part of an instinctive homecoming or comfort of a soul sanctuary.
The energy of nature and wilderness creates an environment to heal and restore one’s wellbeing.
There are a number of world-class spa destinations and health retreats that specialize in restorative therapy and pampering treatments. Most luxury hotels and lodges offer dedicated spa facilities with a team of fulltime therapists and masseuses. Some establishment’s offer comprehensive wellness experiences in some of the most pristine settings. Destinations to relax and unwind with meditation, yoga and specialist healers to coach and guide you back to good health.
Africa is a great place for convalesce and getting back into shape. Fresh produce, organic food and the beautiful climate helps greatly with the healing process.
- World-class Spa Facilities
- Expert Health and Wellness Coaches
- Wilderness and Nature locations
- Hidden Retreats
- Organic fresh produce
- Away from Stress
- Soul Sanctuaries
- Get Inspired and Rejuvenate

Advice from Safari Russ:
“Nature heals! Once you have the space to realize the moment and open yourself up to see, smell, hear and touch. Your true senses become reawaken. One of the most rewarding part of my job as a nature guide is being part of that realization, when people tune-in to nature and de-stress.”

– Safari Russ –